Закрепляем тему Past Continuous — только эффективные и работающие упражнения. Упражнения на тему Past Continuous Скачать упражнения на past continuous

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1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous

1. Around me people (to talk) German, Italian and English.

2. Robert (to talk) to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

3. Michael (to look) at his watch.

4. All night long the stars (to glitter).

5. Lizzie (to eat) and didn’t raise her head.

6. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he (to wait) for his dinner to come up.

7. The family (to prepare) for the party.

8. She (to argue) that only Belinda knew how to treat men.

9. A few minutes later Dixon (to hurry) through the streets to his bus stop.

10. They moved across the room, which (to start) to fill up, to a vacant corner.

1. They (to write) the test at this time yesterday.

2. He (to work) in the garden from two till five o"clock.

3. We (to watch) television the whole evening.

4. You (to play) football at six o"clock?

5. You (to drink) tea at seven o"clock?

6. He (to draw) from three till four o"clock?

7. Who (to listen) to the radio at this time?

8. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday?

9. They (to skate) at three o"clock?

10. She (not to help) mother about the house from two till six.

3. Напишите, чем занималась миссис Тэйлор в определенное время.

Н- р: Mrs. Taylor was packing her bags at 6 a.m. (МиссисТэйлорупаковываласумкив 6 утра.)

6 a.m. pack her bags

7 a.m. drive to the airport

9 a.m. fly to Liverpool

noon have a business meeting

1 p.m. have lunch

2 p.m. check in at a hotel

3 p.m. talk to her boss on the phone

4 p.m. work in the Internet

4. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Past Continuous. Переведите предложения.

    I … (live) in Mexico in June, 2010.

    When I entered the bathroom he … (shave).

    When she met him, they … (work) for the same company.

    What you … (do) last night?

    I showed him my new dress, but he … (not look) at it.

    When it started to rain, they … (sit) on the grass.

    Which hotel Anna … (stay) when she lost her credit card?

    We … (sleep) when the phone rang.

    Doctor Fleming discovered penicillin while he … (study) influenza.

    Sam … (stand) under the tree because it … (rain).

    When the teacher came into the classroom, the children … (run) and … (scream).

    While Bob … (chop) the meat, his wife … (peel) potatoes.

    When I arrived at the party, all the guests … (dance).

    The waiter cut his finger while he … (pick up) the broken glasses.

    What you … (wear) when he met you?

5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Tom was sleeping in his bed when somebody stole his car. His wife was watching TV in the living-room. His mother, Mrs. Crown, was talking on the phone in her bedroom. His father, Mr. Crown, was playing cards with his neighbors. Tom’s son was listening to music with his headphones. And Tom’s daughter was taking a shower. The dog wasn’t barking.

    Was Tom sleeping?

    What was his wife doing?

    Was Mrs. Crown talking on the phone in Tom’s bedroom?

    Was Mr. Crown playing chess or cards?

    What was Tom’s son listening to?

    Tom’s daughter was taking a bath, wasn’t she?

    Was the dog barking?


1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous.

1. Around me people were talking German, Italian and English.

2. Robert was talking to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

3. Michael was looking at his watch.

4. All night long the stars were glittering.

5. Lizzie was eating and didn’t raise her head.

6. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he was waiting for his dinner to come up.

7. The family was preparing for the party.

8. She was arguing that only Belinda knew how to treat men.

9. A few minutes later Dixon was hurrying through the streets to his bus stop.

10. They moved across the room, which was starting to fill up, to a vacant corner.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous.

1. were writing

2. was working

3. were watching

4. Were you playing football … ?

5. Were you drinking tea … ?

6. Was he drawing … ?

7. Who was listening … ?

8. Was it raining … ?

9. Were they skating … ?

10. She was not (=wasn’t) helping


Mrs. Taylor was driving to the airport at 7 a.m. (МиссисТэйлорехалаваэропортв 7 утра.)

She was flying to Liverpool at 9 a.m. (ОналетелавЛиверпульв 9 утра.)

She was having a business meeting at noon. (Она была на деловой встрече в полдень.)

She was having lunch at 1 p.m. (Онаобедалавчасдня.)

She was checking in at a hotel at 2 p.m. (Онарегистрироваласьвотелев 2 часадня.)

She was talking to her boss on the phone at 3 p.m. (Онаразговариваласбоссомпотелефонув 3 часа.)

She was working in the Internet at 4 p.m. (Онаработалавинтернетев 4 часа.)


    was living (Я жил в Мексике в июне 2010 г.)

    was shaving (Когда я вошла в ванную, он брился.)

    were working (Когда она встретила его, они работали в одной компании.)

    What were you doing last night? (Чем ты занимался прошлой ночью?)

    wasn’t looking (Я показывала ему свое новое платье, но он не смотрел на него.)

    were sitting (Когда начался дождь, они сидели на траве.)

    Which hotel was Anna staying when she lost her credit card? (В каком отеле жила Анна, когда она потеряла кредитную карточку?)

    were sleeping (Мы спали, когда зазвонил телефон.)

    was studying (Доктор Флеминг открыл пенициллин, когда изучал грипп.)

    was standing – was raining (Сэм стоял под деревом, потому что шел дождь.)

    were running and screaming (Когда учитель вошел в класс, дети бегали и визжали.)

    was chopping – was peeling (Пока Боб рубил мясо, его жена чистила картофель.)

    were dancing (Когда я пришел на вечеринку, все гости танцевали.)

    was picking up (Официант порезал свой палец, когда собирал разбитые бокалы.)

    What were you wearing when he met you? (Во что ты была одета, когда он тебя встретил?)


    Yes, he was. He was sleeping. (Да. Он спал.)

    She was watching TV. (Онасмотрелателевизор.)

    No, she wasn’t. She was talking on the phone in her bedroom. (Нет. Она разговаривала по телефону в своей спальне.)

    He was playing cards. (Онигралвкарты.)

    He was listening to music. (Он слушал музыку.)

    No, she wasn’t. She was taking a shower. (Нет. Она принимала душ.)

    No, it wasn’t. The dog wasn’t barking. (Нет. Собака не лаяла.)

1. She (to cook) yesterday.

2. She (to cook) at three o"clock yesterday.

3. She (to cook) from two till four yesterday.

4. I (not to read) at five o"clock.

5. I (not to read) when you came in.

6. What he (to do) when I came?

7. What he (to do) the whole day yesterday?

8. Pete (to water) flowers in the garden yesterday.

9. Pete (to water) flowers in the garden at five o"clock yesterday.

10. What Pete (to do) when I came to see him?

1. When my father (to come) home, I (to have) dinner.

2. When Alice (to return), I (to listen) to the radio.

3. When mother (to enter) his room, he (to draw) a picture.

4. When my sister (to come in), I (to do) my lessons.

5. When her aunt (to air) the room, she (to catch) cold.

6. When I (to meet) her, she (to go) to the office.

7. He (to wash) his face when somebody (to knock) at the door.

8. The young people (to dance) when I (to come) to the party.

9. When he (to wash) the dishes, he (to break) a plate.

10. What they (to do) when you (to see) them?

1. Не (not to open) the window before classes yesterday.

2. I (to hurry) to the library when I (to meet) him.

3. She (to translate) a lot of articles at the office last week.

4. We (to smoke) in the room when he (to see) us.

5. We (to pack) our things when our taxi (to come).

6. The day before yesterday he (to finish) his work at seven o"clock.

7. What he (to do) ten years ago? – He (to study) at school.

8. Yesterday I (to ask) my friend not to ring me.

9. My father (to write) a very interesting article last month.

10. She (to come) home at eleven o"clock that"s why she (not to call) you.

1. Why you (to be) angry with me yesterday? – I (not to be).

2. Where you (to be) last night? – We (to be) at the theatre.

3. When I (to come) to the bus stop, I (to see) a boy who (to play) with a dog.

4. It (to be) eleven o"clock, when I (to decide) to go to bed.

5. What time they (to have) dinner yesterday? – They (to have) dinner from seven till eight.

6. When she (to see) him a year ago she (not to recognize) him.

7. I (to be) very busy yesterday. I (to prepare) for my exam the whole day.

8. My brother (to wash) the dishes while I (to sweep) the floor.

9. Why you (not to see) a doctor yesterday?

10. It (to rain) heavily when he (to go) out.


1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

4. I was not (=wasn"t) reading …

5. I was not (=wasn"t) reading …

6. What was he doing when I came in?

7. What was he doing … ?

10. What was Pete doing … ?

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. came; was having

2. returned; was listening

3. entered; was drawing

4. came in; was doing

5. was airing; caught

6. met; was going

7. was washing; knocked

8. were dancing; came

9. was washing; broke

10. What were they doing when you saw them?

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. did not (=didn’t) open

2. was hurrying; met

4. were smoking; saw

5. were packing; came

7. What did he do … ? – He studied …

10. came; did not (=didn’t) call you

4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. Why were you … ? – I was not (wasn’t).

2. Where were you … ? – We were …

3. came; saw; was playing

5. What time did they have dinner … ? – They were having …

6. saw; did not (=didn’t) recognize

7. was; was preparing

8 was washing; was sweeping

9. Why didn’t you see a doctor yesterday?

Как делать упражнения по грамматике и не умереть со скуки?

Задания и упражнения на уроке бывают разные. Ролевые и , дискуссии, презентации, аудио и много других креативных штук.

И, конечно, традиционные упражнения. Заполнить пропуски, подобрать нужную форму глагола, раскрыть скобки и прочие «захватывающие» задания. Чаще всего такие упражнения дают на дом, но иногда их нужно сделать на уроке.

Единственная печалька проблема с такими упражнениями (хоть дома, хоть на уроке), что они часто выполняются механически. И так же механически проверяются. А в голове в итоге – пусто. Ну ладно, может быть, и не пусто. Но и не густо))

И раз уж таких упражнений практически не избежать – польза-то от них все же есть! – надо их как-то обыграть и заставить работать на себя.

Сегодня покажу один такой способ небанально сделать и проверить грамматическое упражнение (Past Simple и Past Continuous).

Упражнение на Past Simple и Past Continuous

А вы пытаетесь разнообразить стандартные грамматические упражнения? Как? Оставьте комментарий – обсудим.

  1. The speaker drank a glass of water.
  2. I understood everything.
  3. Mother put two plates on the table.
  4. Our family stayed at a quiet place.
  5. Tom ate a good dinner.
  6. He drank too much wine.
  7. Pedro liked Paris.


  1. Did the speaker drink a glass of water?
  2. Did you understand anything?
  3. Did Mother put two plates on the table?
  4. Did our family stay at a quiet place?
  5. Did Tom eat a good dinner?
  6. Did he drink too much wine?
  7. Did Pedro like Paris?

Переводные упражнения с русского на английский с ответами

Переведите предложения на английский:

  1. Mike danced with Nina.
  2. She put her arms round his neck.
  3. We did not see anybody in the park.
  4. Did Freddy like Washington?
  5. They didn’t understand the message.
  6. It seemed very easy.
  7. Her husband never dried his hands carefully on the towel.


  1. Майк танцевал с Ниной.
  2. Она обняла его за шею.
  3. В парке мы никого не увидели.
  4. Понравился ли Фредди Вашингтон?
  5. Сообщения они не поняли.
  6. Оно казалось очень простым.
  7. Ее муж никогда тщательно не вытирал руки полотенцем.

Поставьте неправильные глаголы в форму прошедшего времени и переведите:

  1. bring,
  2. choose,
  3. drive,
  4. hear,
  5. know,
  6. swim,
  7. write,
  8. sleep.


  1. brought – принес,
  2. chose – выбрал,
  3. drove – вел машину,
  4. heard – слышал,
  5. knew – знал,
  6. paid – платил,
  7. swam – плавал,
  8. wrote – написал,
  9. slept – спал.

Переводные упражнения с английского на русский с ответами

  1. Care killed the cat.
  2. One drop of poison infected the whole tun of wine.
  3. Little strokes fell great oaks.
  4. First came, first served.


  1. Забота убила кошку (заботы хоть кого в могилу вгонят).
  2. Одна капля яда отравила целую бочку вина (капля дегтя в бочке меда).
  3. Маленькие удары свалили большие дубы (капля камень точит).
  4. Кто первый пришел, тому и подали (кто первый встал – того и тапки).

Переведите на русский язык:

  1. My parrot liked grass.
  2. The students went to the class.
  3. I saw clouds in the sky.
  4. The men were in the office.
  5. Yesterday in the morning she drank coffee.
  6. Bob went over the garden wall.
  7. The cat climbed the tree.


  1. Мой попугай любил траву.
  2. Студенты вошли в класс.
  3. Я видел облака в небе.
  4. Мужчины были в офисе.
  5. Вчера утром она пила кофе.
  6. Боб перелез через стену сада.
  7. Кошка вскарабкалась на дерево.

Если Вы устали учить английский годами?

Те, кто посещают даже 1 урок узнают больше, чем за несколько лет! Удивлены?

Без домашки. Без зубрежек. Без учебников


  • Научитесь составлять грамотные предложения на английском без заучивания грамматики
  • Узнаете секрет прогрессивного подхода, благодаря которому Вы можете сократить освоение английского с 3 лет до 15 недель
  • Будете проверять свои ответы мгновенно + получите доскональный разбор каждого задания
  • Скачаете словарик в форматах PDF и MP3 , обучающие таблицы и аудиозапись всех фраз

Упражнения на дифференциацию с ответами

Выпишите правильные глаголы:

to point, to look, to go, to catch, to climb, to give, to carry, to know, to hope, to work, to be, to buy.


to point, to look, to climb, to carry, to hope, to work.

Раскройте скобки:

  1. Yesterday we (saw/were seeing) birds flying over the city.
  2. The cow (liked/was liking) the flowers.
  3. The woman (was/were) in the bus.
  4. Did he (write/wrote) the letter?
  5. The children did not (ate/eat) a lot of ice-cream.
  6. My father (was cutting/cut) himself when he (was shaving/shaved).
  7. Poor Polly (was loving/loved) her husband.


  1. liked,
  2. write,
  3. eat,.
  4. was shaving,

Упражнения на Past Continuous

Русскоговорящему человеку понять, для чего вообще «придуманы» длительные времена, очень непросто, поэтому наибольшие затруднения вызывает именно употребление Past Continuous и его отличие от Past Simple.

Чтобы досконально изучить правила образования и использования прошедшего длительного времени, недостаточно вызубрить теорию, нужно регулярно выполнять упражнение на повторение и закрепление правил.

Упражнения на подстановку с ответами

Вставьте глаголы, поставив их в Past Continuous:

to walk, to march, to eat, to work

  1. We … hard yesterday evening.
  2. They stood there quietly, while the soldiers ….
  3. As I … down the street, my enemy went by.
  4. The chair fell down when the old lady ….

To like, to move, to drink, to love, to hear, to listen, to want.


To like, to love, to hear, to want.

Выпишите глаголы, в которых при добавлении окончания конечная согласная не удваивается:

To eat, to stop, to beg, to sleep, to get, to give, to put.


To eat, to sleep, to give.

Если с первого раза не получилось, не переживайте: регулярное выполнение одних и тех же упражнений и даже их заучивание поможет разложить все по полочкам мозга.

1. Around me people (to talk) German, Italian and English.

2. Robert (to talk) to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

3. Michael (to look) at his watch.

4. All night long the stars (to glitter).

5. Lizzie (to eat) and didn’t raise her head.

6. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he (to wait) for his dinner to come up.

7. The family (to prepare) for the party.

8. She (to argue) that only Belinda knew how to treat men.

9. A few minutes later Dixon (to hurry) through the streets to his bus stop.

10. They moved across the room, which (to start) to fill up, to a vacant corner.

1. They (to write) the test at this time yesterday.

2. He (to work) in the garden from two till five o"clock.

3. We (to watch) television the whole evening.

4. You (to play) football at six o"clock?

5. You (to drink) tea at seven o"clock?

6. He (to draw) from three till four o"clock?

7. Who (to listen) to the radio at this time?

8. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday?

9. They (to skate) at three o"clock?

10. She (not to help) mother about the house from two till six.


1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous.

1. Around me people were talking German, Italian and English.

2. Robert was talking to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

3. Michael was looking at his watch.

4. All night long the stars were glittering.

5. Lizzie was eating and didn’t raise her head.

6. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he was waiting for his dinner to come up.

7. The family was preparing for the party.

8. She was arguing that only Belinda knew how to treat men.

9. A few minutes later Dixon was hurrying through the streets to his bus stop.

10. They moved across the room, which was starting to fill up, to a vacant corner.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous.

3. were watching

4. Were you playing football … ?

5. Were you drinking tea … ?

6. Was he drawing … ?

7. Who was listening … ?

8. Was it raining … ?

9. Were they skating … ?

10. She was not (=wasn’t) helping …

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